Original Song 'Towards the Light' by Arqam
Experience a soulful and introspective take on the fragility of life expressed by the latest track of singer, guitarist and song writer Arqam. Through it's Multi-layered arrangements of horns, psychedelic guitar riffs, and back up vocals by Sara Cavic, the song carries the listener on a sonic journey through love, loss, reflections and hope.
Produced by Igor Ivanovic and performing as the guitarist, Khalid Al-Temimi on the drums, Olanrewaju Tope Isaac as the bassist and Emmanuel Aramide on the keyboard.
Song: "Towards the Light" by Arqam
Click and Watch the performance
What was Used?
1) ESP LTD TE-254 Distressed 3-Tone Burst Finish
2) Nord Piano 4
3) Orange Crush 35RT 1x10" Guitar Combo Amplifier
4) Ampeg Rocket Bass 1x10" Bass Combo Amplifier
5) K&M Spider Keyboard Stand Red Finish
6) Sennheiser XS-1 Dynamic Cardiod Backing Vocal Microphone
7) Sennheiser E835 Dynamic Cardioid Vocal Microphone
8) Roland TD25 Electronic Drum Set
1) Mackie Thump15A 2-Way 15" Loudspeaker / Monitor with 2 channel Mixer
2) Mackie DL16S Wireless 16-Channel Digital Live Sound Mixer
Follow these amazing artists on their pages:
Arqam - Main Singer
Sara Cavic - Vocal
Igor Ivanovic - Guitarist
Khalid Al Temimi - Drummer
Olanrewaju Tope Isaac - Bassist
Emmanuel Aramide - Keyboardist
Equipment from Melody House and @meidubai! Best back line and rental company in Dubai!
Recording Post Editing from @mnk.studios by sound engineer Miltiadis Kyvernitis - @miltiadiskyvernitis