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One-On-One with Guitar Specialist Dax Espinosa

Want to know who's the man behind your guitar repairs at Melody House?

Having been part of the Melody House team for many years now, we thought it would be great to introduce the man behind the majority of your guitar repairs. That man would be none other than Dax Espinosa.

How long have you been fixing guitars?

"Since my teens actually, so that was around 2006 or 2007 but what I was doing then wouldn't really be considered professional, it was only until 2008 when my skills had improved to a professional status."

What made you want to fix guitars?

"Well being a teenager and growing up in the northern area of the Philippines, the only way I could get my guitar fixed was if I went on a 2 hour trip down to Manila, which I thought to myself why don't I try this out and get my hands on it, so it sort of happened like that. Fast forward to me getting a job and becoming a guitar specialist, I befriended whom I would consider one of the best guitar builders in the Philippines, Jonathan Dela Cruz. After meeting him he taught me many things and countless tips, which I cherish and put to practice till today."

What parts of a guitar can you fix?

I can repair various parts of a guitar, but my most common request is for general setups, which is to make the instrument the best it can sound and to get it back on track. Other than a general setup, there is refretting, some damage repairs, modifications and more.

What about cleaning guitars, do you tend to find people not cleaning their guitars?

"Oh you don't want to know, you don't want to see the guitars when they first come to me. From time to time I get guitars that look like they've been buried in the ground for a couple of weeks, it's that bad." 

"Listen, when it comes to cleaning of course you see it's dirt, clean it! When you see your guitar is dirty simply wipe it away, or if your guitar sounds off tune try changing your strings, it's pretty much common sense. I respect that some people want their guitars to look like battle scars, but as long as it doesn't affect its functionality I'm fine with it."

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